Stem cells offer the greatest potential in any area of medicine to treat some of humanity’s most devastating and debilitating conditions. These include; Parkinson’s disease; spinal cord injury; heart attack; diabetes; blindness; multiple sclerosis; Alzheimer’s; stroke; organ transplantation; arthritis and osteoporosis; bone, tendon and cartilage damage; and sports injuries.
The UK is home to some of the world’s leading experts in stem cell research who are working hard to develop treatments for the benefit of billions of people around the globe. However, the work of these experts is being held back due to a lack of funding.
The UK Stem Cell Foundation is the only UK charity focused on funding stem cell research. Through our fundraising and collaborations, we’re helping to accelerate the most promising research projects into treatments and therapies for patients.
You can help us in a number of ways. You can donate directly here. Or you can help us fundraise by volunteering, or through corporate involvement. Find out more here.
Stem cells have the potential to treat diseases without any other hope of cure. Together, we can be the change.
Our Mission
The Foundation was set up to help address the critical gap in funding that is hindering the progress of promising stem cell research into new treatments.
We aim to do this by:
Operating a lean, cost-effective organisation, under the direction of an eminent Board of Trustees and with carefully controlled project management.
Our operating costs account for less than 8% of the funding we raise.
Raising funding for stem cell research projects in UK medical schools, universities and hospitals that have the potential to result in clinical benefits for patients within five years
We have helped over £24 million to be invested in stem cell research projects in the UK through a combination of fundraising, co-funding and collaboration